Tuesday, October 8, 2013

to bear patiently




Currently our house is a mess. Upon returning home, we moved almost our entire main level into our basement. Large yellow dust doors went up covering the stairwell and our main hallway and living amidst the chaos of a renovation isn’t fun.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Albeit there will be a brand new kitchen at the end of the next couple of months, the dust and chaos and long hours and tired bodies must come first.


It’s kind of like everyday life in a way. I’m having to fix my eyes on the end goal, a new kitchen, in order to hopefully make it through the next months, especially when a toddler is involved. And this shouldn’t be new to us. Although this is our first remodel to live through together, this isn’t something we don’t know a thing or two about. My husband coaches families through huge renovations every year.


But for me, this added mess, the chaos, the tears from the baby, the jostling of food from random locations, the dust…the whole bit will do me in if I’m not abiding in Him.

I know, that by His grace, He’ll get us through. I know, that He will pour out patience and grace onto us. I know that He will help me if only I whisper His name. And so, as the start of our renovation begins, I’m grasping the hand of the only One I know who will get us through this.

And that means abiding in Him.

Staying at His feet, enduring, fixing my eyes on His word, and remaining.


1 comment:

  1. It is so important to abide in God, especially when chaos surrounds. I am enjoy your series!
