What a doozie of a week! Week 27 was probably the craziest week of my pregnancy so far… finished up a long work week with a big conference! Feeding the 829 women proved to be quite the challenge while 7 months pregnant. I happen to believe that pacing back and forth across the church on Saturday I must have logged at least 3 miles. Happy now that it went relatively smooth and it is over! The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday were spent recuperating with my feet up and long naps. Hence this post is late.
Other than the craziness of the week, we did happen to have some great celebratory moments. Thursday we celebrated my last day at work and the first as a stay at home mommy. My mom came into town and we’ve been getting ready to make some progress on our house and the nursery. We bought the dresser and shelves for the nursery closet and had fun oohing and ahhing over adorable clothing my mom brought with her. Seriously this little baby girl is making hearts melt already:) We also met our pediatrician for a getting to know you interview on Wednesday and absolutely love the practice and her. So excited to cross that off the list. Some things we love: there are only 6 doctors, you always speak to your doctor and not to a nurse, doctor on call for after hours, someone who is very open and flexible if we decide to alter any care, 95% of the time we will see our doctor, and the practice is relatively close. Feels good to have that done.
I also had my appointment with my OB Dr. Flom. I love her too and could not be happier with the care she is giving to our family as a whole. If anyone needs an OB I would highly recommend Dr. Flom and the practice, John Haugen and Assoc. (that is if you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area). This week was the often dreaded glucose test which much to my surprise I passed with flying colors. I happened to come home and eat candy afterwards…naturally. We also were able to see baby girl on ultrasound again…that was ultrasound number 7 and much to our surprise we’ll have to go back for another one around week 34. My placenta is still not quite where they would like it so we’re praying as baby grows bigger everything will move up a little higher.
How big is baby? This week baby is 2 pounds and 14 1/2 inches long. She’s busy showing rapid brain movement, her lungs are getting stronger, and she’s starting to get the hiccups. When we saw her via ultrasound she was happy as can be hanging out in happy baby yoga pose. It was so cute watching her grabbing her toes with her hands!
How am I feeling?
Overwhelmed is probably the best explanation. It’s been a long week and now that it’s over I’m glad I’m finally just home and able to tackle so many things around our house. We’re living in chaos…I have piles everywhere, my office is a disaster, our furniture comes this week…so I’m trying to take everyday as it comes. One day at a time. One minute at a time. Without getting grumpy. One surprise that I’ve noticed during my pregnancy is how much the hormone shifts have affected my attitude. Never throughout the entire infertility process, even with all the fake hormones being pumped through my body, did I ever feel like this. I’m ready for this person to go away in a few months and feel like my old self.
How am I changing?
These past two weeks I’ve definitely noticed a change in the size of the bump. At this past appointment I was measuring a week early and I’m beginning to wonder if we are on to something. I’ve mentioned before that we’re sure we are in for a bigger baby at birth but I’m just beginning to realize what this means for me in the meantime. It’s getting harder to put on socks, tie my shoes, and all things related and I have 12 weeks left! Hard to imagine what I’ll look like at week 40:)
Little Tidbits:
Weight Gained: 1; total of 18
Days my mom is here: 5…so excited to have her here!
Furniture being delivered: 3 pieces…our new couch and chair and hopefully our crib
Days until our first shower: 6
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