Happy Easter!
Well the 26th week has come and gone which means according to all books, doctors, and others we are now in the third trimester and ready to conquer the home stretch.
Starting with today, we had a great Easter celebrating our Savior’s resurrection with good food and great company! A couple of our friends came over to feast on Easter yummies and stayed to watch the end of the Master’s tournament. I headed out for a walk and did a couple organizational things in my office. This next week will be extra busy as I finish up work and get ready for our annual church women’s conference. I help on the committee to organize and execute the lunch; this year there are over 820 women!
The picture for this week makes me smile. I bought this dress 13 years ago in high school when I worked at the Gap for some ridiculous low price. I never wore it b/c for some reason it was cut with extra fabric in the front that I never felt comfortable in. And I SAVED it, with the tags on, for 13 years in hopes of wearing it while pregnant. Well at day one of 27 weeks it fits perfectly!
Last week, which was week 26, was pretty uneventful. Biggest part: we knocked one more thing off the nursery list and ordered our rug. I’m crossing my fingers and toes in hopes that it will look great and the hunt will be over. Here’s what we went with:
The final pieces are coming together…hopefully I’ll have a new mood board ready to go one of these days!
How big is baby?
Baby is growing big and strong. This week she’s as big as a head of lettuce.
She’s almost 2 pounds in weight and measures right around 14 inches. I’m curious to see this week at my appt. just how big she is. Back at 19 weeks they noticed that I had a low lying placenta so we’re having it checked out after I do my gestational diabetes test. Hoping everything turns out great!
How am I feeling?
Still pretty good. I think I jinxed myself last week when I mentioned that I was sleeping great. Unfortunately this week that all seemed to go by the wayside. I’m only usually up once at night but I get tired early and so by 2 or 3 when I wake up, I’m pretty wide awake. Hoping this changes but I’m resigned to believing it’s here for good. I also made the decision to quit the Y…I’ve been doing great getting there, but classes are out of the question at this point and to be honest, all I want to do is walk outside and enjoy the sunshine. So that’s the plan until baby comes. Walking every day so if anyone wants to join me, I’d love the company!
How am I changing?
This belly is getting HUGE! Seriously, I don’t even want to imagine how big it will be at the end. I just keep putting it out of my mind and telling myself how amazing God created the human body. I can still see my toes but not my whole foot like before so I would say belly growth has been the biggest change this past week.
Little Tidbits:
Total number of ultrasounds after Wednesday: 7
Baby items purchased: a few; Ebay is no longer my friend:)
Looking forward to: my mom coming for a whole week!
Pounds gained: 2; total of 17