It’s that time again! Posting weekly updates definitely helps the weeks go faster; I can hardly believe it’s time to update. Week 15 flew by. Ever since we’ve been back from vacation I have had something going on everyday and almost every night. Makes for a busy mommy to be! Hoping this week things begin to slow down a bit.
During this week, baby helped me take down our Christmas tree, plan the women’s conference, celebrate books and friends at book club, and organize the house as a whole. Needless to say, we’re both a little tired! To cap the week off, it’s been a birthday week in our house and we’ve been celebrating Daddy. We celebrate the birthday person all week long…baby has all sorts of fun to look forward too!
How big is baby?
Baby is as long as an apple! This week Baby B is flexing his/her facial muscles, learning to smile and frown. Baby can sense light, is wiggling all around, and his/her lungs are developing further. Sounds like it’s just as busy inside as we are on the outside!
How am I feeling?
This week I have really noticed the fatigue is gone. There is no way that I could have accomplished as much as I did this week in the first trimester. Looks like that ended just in time. Other than busy I’ve been feeling round ligament pain often. The twinges and stretching going on inside are signs of growth, so that is a great thing. I’m really looking forward to when I can feel the babe moving around inside…hope that starts happening this next week! One other sidenote that surprises me: my sweet tooth is officially gone. I went from being someone who needed something sweet after every meal to a “take it or leave it” kinda gal. Very surprising!
How am I changing?
Things are remaining steady on this front. Although sometimes I’m a little nervous about not having gained too much weight yet, I’ve been reminded by my mother that slow gain is better than fast gain. I’m sure in a few weeks I may be humming a different tune; one pound a week is average for the 2nd trimester. I’ve also found myself this week obsessed with my little bump; often you will find my hands resting upon the bump. Obviously this makes me very happy:)
Little Tidbits:
Pediatricians researched: 5-10
Weight gained: Holding steady between 3 and 4
Fruit of the week: Blueberries and strawberries
Snack of choice: Yogurt
Birthday meals eaten: 4
For past weeks see the pregnancy page.
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