Baby’s been on an adventure! After last week’s ER little fiasco, I think we all needed a little R&R. So we three headed to Florida! We had this trip planned for a couple of months and we were really excited to get out of town. No worries that we landed in Florida to record lows, we knew it would warm up and warm up it did. Other than our first couple of days, the weather has been in the mid-70’s and this weekend we’ll hit close to 80. Sunshine feels amazing! Between the IMAX, Chick-fil-A, the pool, shopping, relaxing and golf, I’m positive the babe is enjoying this vacation just as much as we are. Today we’ll see Grandma Bonnie (Andrea’s mom) who happens to be here as well and then we’ll be heading back down to Florida in March to say hi to Nana and Papa Brogle. Vacations are grand!
How big is baby?
As big as a peach! So last week I had it off a bit because I’ve been doing my recaps at the end of the week. I was reading about week 13 when I was writing week 12. Confusing! So this week, babe is a peach. Highlights from this week: baby has fingerprints, is 3” long, and his/her vocal cords and teeth are forming.
How am I feeling?
I’m still feeling great. I was a little nervous for flying as there was a slight chance the SCH could make an appearance again, but thankfully it didn’t. The flight went well, I’m feeling great, and I’m so ready for the second trimester. Only symptom still plaguing me is fatigue. I can’t wait for that one to go away! That being said, I have been walking and trying to ease into exercise again.
How am I changing?
Still about the same but one major thing I noticed over the course of this week is that it’s happened. Most of my pants no longer button. The belly band and my few maternity bottoms have become my best friend. I see so many mom’s that can still wear their regular pants, but I must be carrying low, b/c the pooch is out. It’s been kind of fun though b/c I’m pretty sure people can start to tell I’m pregnant instead of overweight.
Little Tidbits:
Flights flown: 1
Watermelons eaten: almost 1, umm all by myself
Books read: 2 and in the middle of 3
Days of Exercise: 1, other than walking
Pounds gained: no idea, scales don’t belong on vacation:)
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