Tuesday, January 11, 2011

why i run.

Running has become my ultimate stress reliever.

If you perused the Infertility section you will notice that back years ago I had Doctor's tell me that I was too stressed.  Not a surprise, I'm sure many of you carry extra stress as well.  It's a stressful world. 

First thing I tried to do to combat it was to run.  At first I didn't love to run at all.  I was that kid in grade school that would do anything to try and get out of having to run a mile in gym class.  Yes, I was that person.  But as I grew up, running took on a new meaning and in 2009 I trained for my first half marathon.  It was great.  But then with the fertility stuff and pure laziness, exercise went on the back burner.  Plus I didn't really enjoy the after affects of exercise, more on that later.

Now days though, I can't imagine that I ever hated running.  Don't get me wrong, my love for running and exercise is cyclical.  Sometimes I'm training hard and other times my butt enjoys being stationed on the couch.  But then my butt gets the best of me, because we all know exercise is the key to improved health, a toned body, and good mental condition...and a great butt.  Which I do not have yet, but am working towards:)

Seriously, you will feel better if you do as Blue Cross Blue Shield says...Groove your body, 3 times a day.  I have to admit last year grooving that much was not appealing, but then this past summer I was diagnosed with Asthma.  I never even thought that was possible and yet I'm sure my hubby knew I had it the whole time we were married.  But now the hacking cough and wheezing is gone and exercise, especially running, is back on the top of my list.  It wasn't just the asthma though, it was the low good cholesterol reading for the first time and the Pcos in combination with my pesky but amazing PCP telling me I need to exercise 5 times a week.  She said it more than once, and in a very stern way.  So it's back on the workout wagon I go.

Join me in running.  Whatever your goal, just make one and we'll work towards them together.

Check out my run tab at the top for more info on races, gear, etc.

"let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, 
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith"
Hebrews 12:1                                          


  1. I love love LOVE your new blog!!! SO great! This post is so good... such a challenging reminder to kick my butt in gear! PCOS rears its ugly head and I often use it as an excuse as "it's how I'm always going to be." Thanks for challenging me to work out and kick that crappy insulin resistance right in the face!!

  2. thanks friend:) i love your new layout of your blog too! Maybe we train for a 5k and I come to Ohio?

    I've always wanted to visit Ohio:)
