Saturday, November 13, 2010

linen pinboard


For a slight hiatus from vacation postings, don’t worry I have the rest of the trip coming soon, I had to post a project I completed yesterday. 

Inspired by many bloggers and Pottery Barn, I armed myself with my glue gun, linen fabric and a cheap corkboard from Ikea.  I was going to use our staple gun but I couldn’t find it and Alex wasn’t home.  Next time though, I will use the staple gun, I forgot how hot glue can be and my hands did not appreciate it:)

So back to the project…I have been craving a way for my jewelry to be more accessible and on display so I will actually wear it.  Yup, it’s normally hidden in a box on my nightstand but I wanted it in a place where I could see it.  Enter the closet.  Perfect spot.  You grab clothes there so why not grab jewelry too.

After pulling and adhering the fabric to the pinboard I was ecstatic to see that my hard work?!? resulted in the perfect jewelry holder:

From spendy to inexpensive, rounding out a whopping $10,
I’m in Love:)


  1. Seriously?!? Because I totally organized my jewelry this week too!!! Although I am not as awesome and DIY as you... and bought a thing that hangs in the closet that has a bunch of clear pouches. But I love it! Organization is great!
