Now that the news is out, I can let you in on the earlier weeks! The road to baby, as you know, has not been an easy one, but instead a refining one. But that to be said, we’re excited to hopefully meet this little one in less than a year. After finding out we were expecting, we were both a little cautious and anxious as to what was ahead. We chose to share the good news with family and a few close friends immediately, as we are so thankful for the prayers said on our baby’s behalf.
Weeks 4-7 went by quickly. We had multiple blood draws to make sure my HCG numbers were doubling as they should. With the encouraging news that things were progressing normally, we slowly allowed ourselves to enjoy this time with our little one. And any time anxiety rose up in my heart, which it did on many occasions, I was thankful for the Word that fought against.
So here we are at week 7. Our first ultrasound was scheduled for the 17th of November and we were very excited to see that little heartbeat beating away. We went in and it was overwhelming emotion to see that little heart beat. And since I love the “How big is baby?” emails and of course I want to document the whole 9 months, I thought it would be fun to have weekly updates. So here we are at the beginning!
How big is baby?
This week baby is as big as a blueberry! Considering how small it started out as, a grain of sand, I’d say it’s grown a bunch! So amazing, especially after seeing our little one to think this little blueberry will soon be a flesh and blood baby here in the outside world.
So how am I feeling?
I’ve been feeling great! So far so good. No morning sickness at all, but that didn’t surprise me in the least. If I would have been sick I would have been the only female in my family to take on that symptom! A little tired, a little sore, but all in all, no sickness to account for. On the other hand we’ve had a few moments of uncertainty. I’ve had quite a bit of bleeding and headed back to the Dr. on the 21st for ultrasound #2. We saw baby growing away, heard it’s little heart beating at 150bpm, and found the cause of the bleeding. I have what’s called a Subchorionic Hematoma. It’s small, less than a cm and the doctor’s are not worried in the least. Alex and I on the other hand have been resting in Him with a few bouts of uncertain worry. But that’s to be expected I’m sure!
How I’m changing?
Not many changes going on yet. Just the normal aches of pregnancy. Looking forward to the days when there is a bump!
Odds and Ends
Weight gained: 0 pounds
Ultrasounds had: 2 (1 @ 6w4d and 1 @ 7w2d)
Oranges eaten: At least a dozen
Boxes packed for our move: A few
Pages read in my favorite baby book: Too many to count
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