One more week has passed! I know I say it every week but I can hardly believe 35 weeks have gone by. She’ll be here soon…4 weeks, give or take. We’ve had a bet going in our house whether we think she’ll come early or late, so far we’re split and I’m not the one guessing early. Somehow I have to keep my sanity so I just keep telling myself I’ll go late. That way hopefully I won’t be disappointed if week 40 passes us by and extremely ecstatic if she comes sooner! This past week was met with pure exhaustion. I’m not even sure it was the same as the first trimester exhaustion I experienced…pretty sure it was worse. That was the bulk of the week until I hit week 36 yesterday. Somehow a burst of energy erupted and I was able to clean through almost every nook and cranny in our house. Still going strong this morning although I’m not sure how long this will last.
This next week I’m excited to finish the final touches in the nursery and go to the doctor tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear whether we’ve progressed at all yet…keep you posted:)
How big is baby?
She’s as big as a coconut…crazy. Just over 18 inches long and 5 pounds she’s getting bigger. I’m pretty sure she’s a bit bigger than that but we won’t know until she’s here. I can tell she’s running out of room because while her head is burrowed deep in my pelvis her feet can still find my ribs, especially while I’m sitting. This week she’s busy growing and everything should be completely finished developing. I really cannot wait to meet her!
How am I feeling?
This week has been better. I caved and finally bought compression socks from Target…not sure why I waited so long. Within an hour of wearing them the pressure and pain subsided. Although they are not even close to fashionable they’re great for when I’m home or wearing pants. And for the first time in 4 or 5 weeks I looked down and saw what resembled ankles. I think I’ll keep them:) Other than my bout of exhaustion, I’ve been feeling some lower abdominal cramping on and off and low back pain. I’m so glad I’m getting to the chiropractor…I can always tell a difference in the state of my sacrum after leaving his office.
How am I changing?
Still no stretch marks but I’m pretty sure I failed to mention a different side effect of pregnancy. I have developed chloasma on my face. I never really realized it until a couple of weeks ago when Alex mentioned he liked all my new freckles:) At least he liked them! This past week I’ve noticed it’s getting a little more noticeable but hopefully it will fade after she comes. This doesn’t bother me in the least...surprising, since ankle swelling almost did me in:) Waddling has become the way in which I walk, I’m pretty sure she has dropped, and my bedtime is slowly getting earlier. Still can’t believe we’re a week away from full term…surreal!
Little Tidbits:
Operation Office: Currently underway. It’s a disaster and the only place in our house that must get organized before she comes. This week I promise to stop procrastinating!
Weight Gained: Slowing down, 1 pound this week.
Nursery needs: Found the lamp, now we need a rug pad, name letters, and a mirror.
Days until due date: ONLY 27!!
So exciting, Andrea!! Hope you're able to rest this week.