Thursday, December 5, 2013

On St. Nicholas

Growing up their was one occasion in December that we as kids anticipated almost as much as Christmas Day. And that was the eve when St. Nicholas came! On December 5th, at our house, St. Nicholas “would come” and we would receive treats and toys in our stockings.

After reading this on Wikipedia, it makes sense why so many did this in WI. Given our German heritage and protestant background it’s no wonder. We also hide a pickle ornament on our Christmas tree…do any others do this? Friends of ours recently had a German exchange student and unfortunately this is an entirely made up American thing. No German ties whatsoever.

Last year I wrote about our thoughts on Santa, and while they remain the same this year, Alex and I would both love to continue the tradition of St. Nicholas. And no, their will be no thought that St. Nicholas really came, it will be more of a purposeful and fun learning opportunity of who the real St. Nicholas was and how he gave gifts to the poor. Hopefully as Elizabeth grows this will also allow for a great opportunity to give as well.

After polling Facebook I came away with these great books to help our learning of St. Nicholas to grow. I haven't’ read any of them yet but look forward to searching them out and reading through them.

1. The Secret of St. Nicholas

2. The Legend of St. Nicholas

3. Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend

So join us tonight in hanging your stockings and teaching your kids about the real origin of Santa Claus:) He originated through the story of St. Nicholas, the saint who took gifts and set them in the shoes of children.

Great post on The Art of Simple on St. Nick and why and how to celebrate. Hits all my sentiments on the head:)

1 comment:

  1. Cool, thanks for the resources. I just heard a guest on Focus on the Family talking about St. Nicholas and how that day of remembrance and traditions got tied in with Christmas. I agree it seems like a great tradition to carry on with our kids [in lieu of Santa]!

