Monday, December 2, 2013


Today I sat down at my computer at 1pm and it felt as though my whole body exhaled. With the baby down for a nap and so many things on the list, just exhaling and starting at the top seemed to help get things in order.

We’ve been on the go for the past week like so many with Thanksgiving and then my birthday last week. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind.

Times like this always tend to set me a bit on edge. I like a slower pace and having things in order and being able to accomplish most of my list each day and when we are gone and get back I begin to feel like a fish swimming upstream.

Not to say our time away wasn’t worth it, it definitely was. We spent the weekend of the 23rd back in my hometown with my family for my 33rd birthday. I have loved my 30’s. By far my favorite decade. We spent my actual birthday cheering the Packers to a tie with the Vikings at Lambeau field in the freezing cold and it was so. much. fun. And getting to spend the evening with family and blowing out candles with my sister at my side was so worth it. We couldn’t remember the last time people sang for us and we spent our birthdays together (I was born on her 8th birthday).

And upon returning on Monday, we started off the week a day later than normal only to have another gathering upon us. Thanksgiving was spent at Alex’s brother Jeff’s land just south of the Cities. Being without cell service may have been the best part alongside being outdoors, eating amazing food, and being with family.

And somehow we managed to emerge without buying anything during Black Friday, well unless you count groceries because somehow the fridge was empty and needed to be filled on the busiest day of the year:/ But my favorite find of the week was a new vacuum cleaner. I’ve definitely become that person that asks for household items for birthdays and Christmas. An iron is also on my list if anyone was wondering:) I’ll jot the vacuum as my best household deal ever found. 64% off.

And now we’re trying to catch up just in time to almost miss advent. It always amazes me that no matter how much I prepare in advance or try to get things under control I somehow come up just a bit short. And then I’m frantically trying to catch up. The fact that our house is still in disarray may be adding to my frenzy. But I’m realizing as the days go by that none of the little things I think matter really do.

It’ll be okay if we don’t do everything on the list or if everything doesn’t get decorated or put away. I just keep reminding myself of all the things we DO have so I don’t get swept up in what isn’t yet accomplished or finished.

But let’s just be honest…some days remembering this is easier than others.

Happy belated Thanksgiving and beginning of advent:)

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