Saturday, January 28, 2012

Baby B–16 Weeks

(please excuse my outfit & duck footed stance)

This week started off with a bang! My mom came over for a visit and to celebrate Alex’s birthday. We celebrated with dinner out and a little shopping of course:) It was a great help having 2 extra hands around when preparing for the party; we invited our friends over for the play-offs in celebration of Alex. From rolling pepperoni rolls to helping me shop, our effort was not in vain…food was gobbled up!

During the festivities, mom headed home and Alex and I started out the week anticipating excitement of our own. This was the week we headed back in to the Dr. for our 16 week check. Everything went great; I’m measuring right where I am supposed to, she’s not worried at all about my slow weight gain, and the babe…well it’s little heartbeat was beating away, this time around 155. This is normal for the heart rate to slow a bit; started at 150, rose to 167, lowered to 164, and now down to 155. That heartbeat is not making the old wives’ tale easier to figure out! Could be a girl or a boy and we can’t wait until 17 more days pass and we find out the gender! Don’t worry, we’re not going to keep it a secret!

We also chatted pediatricians. Alex and I are pretty certain we do not want a mega practice. I’ll be home with the babe so extended hours, etc. are not a huge concern. Funny thing about this conversation with our amazing OB, of all the small practices, she highly recommended the one where all 3 of my nanny kids went. We’re pretty sure that’s where we are headed and I couldn’t be more happy; not only am I familiar with the doctors and the practice, but it’s not too far away!

Other highlights this week: we endured our first round of couch shopping, not for the faint of heart, installed a humidifier on our furnace, put up a second blind in our bedroom, and brainstormed our future home layout. Quite the week!

How big is baby?

This week baby is as long as an avocado! Makes me want guacamole:) My favorite baby book states that baby is “about 2.8 ounces and 4 1/2 inches from crown to rump.” It also says the babe is just busy playing around in there and his/her bones are starting to harden. Crazy to think the babe could fit in the palm of our hands!

How am I feeling?

All week I’ve been feeling great; that is until yesterday. I came down with quite the cold and I am employing all my mother’s old tricks; hot water with honey and lemon, using my NeilMed sinus bottle, making chicken soup, and resting. I miss the ability to pop dayquil and nyquil like it’s my job but I’m hoping this little bug will just pass us by as quick as it came on.

Other than the sickness, I feel like my old self. If I didn’t have a bump, I would be surprised I am expecting. In fact yesterday I joined the Y and told Alex that I really need to slowly start exercising again because I feel like I could just join right into Zumba and BodyPump without wavering. I heard I better take advantage of the second trimester, so I’m hoping to get a lot done around the house before baby arrives!

How am I changing?

There’s definitely more of a clear bump on my belly and I’m sure as the days pass that will only become more evident. My hands are always touching it; my reasoning, if I look like I’m touching my belly maybe people will guess I’m pregnant instead of getting chubby! I’ve also noticed that my hips have definitely spread. I'm sure I’m being naïve, but I really hope they shrink back a bit after baby because I have a whole closet of my favorite jeans that I hope button again. That would be an expensive shopping trip to replace them. Either way, this baby will be worth all the changes even if it means momma goes shopping:) Last change, my face is getting a little fuller. I don’t notice it that much because in high school I weighed up to 18 pounds more than I did pre-pregnancy, but people who didn’t know me then can see the changes!

Also this past week I FELT THE BABY MOVE! I know it’s early but I’ve definitely been feeling something I’ve never before felt and I’m pretty certain it’s the babe. Most amazing feeling:)

Little Tidbits:

Weight gained: 5 pounds
Vacations booked: 1; back to FL in late March to visit my in-law’s
Days until the BIG ultrasound: 17
Couches under debate: 2
On my mind: Registering:) Can’t wait!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baby B–15 weeks

It’s that time again! Posting weekly updates definitely helps the weeks go faster; I can hardly believe it’s time to update. Week 15 flew by. Ever since we’ve been back from vacation I have had something going on everyday and almost every night. Makes for a busy mommy to be! Hoping this week things begin to slow down a bit.

During this week, baby helped me take down our Christmas tree, plan the women’s conference, celebrate books and friends at book club, and organize the house as a whole. Needless to say, we’re both a little tired! To cap the week off, it’s been a birthday week in our house and we’ve been celebrating Daddy. We celebrate the birthday person all week long…baby has all sorts of fun to look forward too!

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How big is baby?

Baby is as long as an apple! This week Baby B is flexing his/her facial muscles, learning to smile and frown. Baby can sense light, is wiggling all around, and his/her lungs are developing further. Sounds like it’s just as busy inside as we are on the outside!

How am I feeling?
This week I have really noticed the fatigue is gone. There is no way that I could have accomplished as much as I did this week in the first trimester. Looks like that ended just in time. Other than busy I’ve been feeling round ligament pain often. The twinges and stretching going on inside are signs of growth, so that is a great thing. I’m really looking forward to when I can feel the babe moving around inside…hope that starts happening this next week! One other sidenote that surprises me: my sweet tooth is officially gone. I went from being someone who needed something sweet after every meal to a “take it or leave it” kinda gal. Very surprising!

How am I changing?

Things are remaining steady on this front. Although sometimes I’m a little nervous about not having gained too much weight yet, I’ve been reminded by my mother that slow gain is better than fast gain. I’m sure in a few weeks I may be humming a different tune; one pound a week is average for the 2nd trimester. I’ve also found myself this week obsessed with my little bump; often you will find my hands resting upon the bump. Obviously this makes me very happy:)

Little Tidbits:

Pediatricians researched: 5-10
Weight gained: Holding steady between 3 and 4
Fruit of the week: Blueberries and strawberries
Snack of choice: Yogurt
Birthday meals eaten: 4

For past weeks see the pregnancy page.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things I’ve Learned

It feels like yesterday when these eyes looked up into mine for the first time. Innocence upon their faces. For eight years they taught me all about life. How to love, how to give, how to be selfless. I was given an education, worth more than rubies, and at the time I didn’t even know it. 

It all started as an innocent part time job. Little did I know a part time job would follow me through my senior year of college, a trip overseas, the death of my stepfather, graduate school, our engagement and then, our wedding. With our own little one on the way, it’s difficult not to reflect, to consider, just how they have shaped my thinking, my parenting, my life.

Little boys half grown have given much, more than they know, and in return I pray I have not left scars on their little hearts from my first ill attempts at care. At 3 and 1, I was thrown into Thomas and stuffed animals and at 5 and 3, another joined the family and a new chapter began, balancing requests and plenty of tears. A life I have always loved.

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So without further adieu, little lessons from a life I once knew.

1. Limited screen time can be a great thing

With little ones aging from the very young to age 11 when I left, these kiddos were allowed 30 minutes of screen time a day. What this meant for me; getting very creative in keeping said kids busy and happy. And I’m so grateful for this experience. Not only am I a more creative and on my toes mom-to-be, but they helped me embrace the importance of play, which my years in child development only solidified. There was rarely the opportunity to throw on a show when life became too chaotic and on the flip side, these three are some of the most creative and inventive kids I know. I want this for my own.

2. Unrealistic expectations breed disappointment

Actually the phrase above is one of my favorites but it’s from a dear friend from college. Regardless, the fact remained true. A great learning process though trial and error. The more you want your own way (adult) the more likely the children are to be stubborn, upset, and needy. Not sure if this always reigns true, but it sure did for these 3. Some quality time first, adult time second usually worked better. A great lesson in being selfless. Hope this comes in handy, especially in those first few months.

3. Experiences are perfect means for learning

Their mother was amazing. The things she knew and explained often left me scratching my head, relieved I did not have to answer that question. But they truly are little sponges, ready for anything you give them.  Truth is essential. We often went on little trips; walking to the park, the grocery store, along the creek, to the lake. Life around us provided hours of fun. From climbing on fallen trees to building cardboard chariots after reading about them. I learned that engaging in the fun was more enjoyable than watching from the sidelines. And in turn, I learned that comfortable clothing and shoes made for a more energetic and enthusiastic nanny.

DSC_1363 (the boys and I with their christmas gifts a few years ago)

I learned many more things; how to clean up vomit without making a bigger mess, how to best change a top bunk sheet, and how to incorporate real life without missing out on the preciousness of playing with a child. I became very efficient in my other tasks so I could delve into the world of Thomas or watch an imaginary dolphin show. And I did because of what it did to the hearts of those little three. Life is short, things do need to get done, and as an introvert, I fully believe in the need for time away. But there’s nothing like laying on the floor with minds in the world of make believe.

I pray for the days of enjoying these moments with our own little one, long awaited for moments in time. As difficult as the waiting was, it was worth it, because if not for it, precious knowledge would have not been gained.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baby B–14 Weeks

This week baby spent half the week in beautiful sunshine and 80 degree weather and the other half back at home, in the teens. Welcome to our life little one! You will soon learn the beauty of four seasons and why your parents love to travel in the winter to warm locations:) We can’t wait until next year when you are here.

This past week Alex and I enjoyed our last few days in Florida. The weather warmed up and it felt amazing to take in the sunshine. I spent my days between 3 lounge chairs at the pool, rotating from sun to shade, while lathering on my 55 sunscreen. I think this might be the first time laying out did not create an amazing tan! Other than enjoying the sun, we ate amazing food and shopped around a bit.  Best deal of the vacation: my mom was here and we hit up a maternity consignment shop. I found a pair of Citizens for Humanity maternity jeans (aka retailing $180) for $16.99.  I obviously scooped them up! Plus we found a few cute things for the babe!

This week I started my research on pediatricians and hospitals for delivery. Who knew those decisions needed to be thought about already…While I’ll share some of our views on things here, I do hope that everyone will be supportive knowing we have researched it, prayed over it, and come to our own conclusions. I feel childbirth, parenting, and pregnancy are all highly personal areas of life and everyone should make their decisions based on what works best for them and their family. People making their opinion as law really makes me sad. That being said, we’ve been open and honest and will continue to be!

How big is baby?

He/she is the length of a lemon this week and growing every day. I cannot wait until our 16 week appt. to hear that little heart beating away…an amazing sound! Inside he/she is moving, hiccupping, yawning, and wiggling. So exciting.

How am I feeling?

I’ve been feeling great. I can tell I have officially switched from first to second trimesters. In the first all I wanted was junk food; I never eat fast food and I probably ate more in my first tri than I had the whole year combined. So glad that is over. The second tri ushered in a need for greens, something that made me gag before, and fruit. Our dinners have definitely been well planned and are healthier to boot. Next week I hope to rejoin the YMCA and I’m really looking forward to swimming and walking. If things feel good I may even venture out and try my favorite classes again. The fatigue is slowly leaving and I’ve found myself able to keep my eyes open and need less rest during the day which has been really helpful.

How am I changing?

Well I’m still pretty certain I have a bump. What I realized the other night was if I suck in my upper abs the little bump is far more defined. It’s actually pretty cute knowing someone’s kicking away in there!  Also many of the aches and soreness of the first trimester have faded. One new symptom: itchiness. My stomach is so itchy from my skin stretching. Body butter is my friend…thank you Palmers! I know that’s really common so it feels good to know things are right on track.

Little Tidbits:

Flights flown: 1
Pat downs received: 1 (we requested them in lieu of the body scanners)
Maternity purchases made:  6 (work bottoms, dress, and a couple of shirts)
Hospitals considered: 2
Books read on vacation: 3 (one of the most intriguing: “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua) 
Weight Gained: 1 pound, for a total of 3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baby B–13 Weeks

Baby’s been on an adventure!  After last week’s ER little fiasco, I think we all needed a little R&R.  So we three headed to Florida! We had this trip planned for a couple of months and we were really excited to get out of town.  No worries that we landed in Florida to record lows, we knew it would warm up and warm up it did.  Other than our first couple of days, the weather has been in the mid-70’s and this weekend we’ll hit close to 80.  Sunshine feels amazing!  Between the IMAX, Chick-fil-A, the pool, shopping, relaxing and golf, I’m positive the babe is enjoying this vacation just as much as we are.  Today we’ll see Grandma Bonnie (Andrea’s mom) who happens to be here as well and then we’ll be heading back down to Florida in March to say hi to Nana and Papa Brogle.  Vacations are grand!

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How big is baby?

As big as a peach!  So last week I had it off a bit because I’ve been doing my recaps at the end of the week.  I was reading about week 13 when I was writing week 12.  Confusing!  So this week, babe is a peach.  Highlights from this week:  baby has fingerprints, is 3” long, and his/her vocal cords and teeth are forming. 

How am I feeling?

I’m still feeling great.  I was a little nervous for flying as there was a slight chance the SCH could make an appearance again, but thankfully it didn’t.  The flight went well, I’m feeling great, and I’m so ready for the second trimester.  Only symptom still plaguing me is fatigue.  I can’t wait for that one to go away!  That being said, I have been walking and trying to ease into exercise again. 

How am I changing?

Still about the same but one major thing I noticed over the course of this week is that it’s happened.  Most of my pants no longer button.  The belly band and my few maternity bottoms have become my best friend.  I see so many mom’s that can still wear their regular pants, but I must be carrying low, b/c the pooch is out.  It’s been kind of fun though b/c I’m pretty sure people can start to tell I’m pregnant instead of overweight.

Little Tidbits:

Flights flown: 1
Watermelons eaten: almost 1, umm all by myself
Books read: 2 and in the middle of 3
Days of Exercise: 1, other than walking
Pounds gained: no idea, scales don’t belong on vacation:)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby B–12 weeks

My oh my, week 12 was full of fun.  Not only did the babe get to celebrate Christmas but it was an eventful week as well!  We had a wonderful Christmas, very low key but filled with family fun.  We hosted this year and though I worked the day before and the day after, we pulled everything off and I still had time to rest.  Fun as it is to be home for Christmas, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss being home with my family.  Maybe next year!

Christmas this year, as well as we had things planned, seemed rushed and a little off.  We’re chalking it up to the fact that we moved into our house just a few weeks before.  Even so, our tree went up and decorations went out, so at least everything looked incredibly festive.  If you are interested how I finally decided to display our cards…I have to say, the idea I came up with was a keeper.  I bought a wood ring garland a couple of months ago from West Elm for $2.99 on clearance.  At this point, I wish I would have thought to buy more.  But in the end, when tacked on the wall, it became the perfect, simple, rustic card display.  I’m so loving it and I’m sure it will be the last thing I will want to take down.  I love seeing our family and friends all up on the wall!

Even with the craziness of Christmas, I have to say things are going great.  Baby is growing strong and mama is starting to show.  I really just look like I ate too many cookies, but Alex and I know, this belly is bigger than normal and I love it!  Little baby belly:)

How big is baby?

This week the charts report that baby is as big as a plum or a peach.  Either way, these are some of my favorite fruits!  Seems so big after starting out as a grain of sand.  We don’t get to see the babe for another 7 weeks but I can hold out since we’ll be finding out the gender at that appointment.  I can’t wait to see whether this little bee is a boy or a girl!  Either way we’ll be ecstatic…although if it’s a girl it’s going to be operation find a name at our house!

How am I feeling?
I’m feeling great.  Still exhausted but really fortunate that I haven’t been sick at all.  One thing I’ve noticed is that I definitely have cravings and aversions.  One day I’ll love one thing and hate it the next.  The only things that never change are milk, peanut butter, salt and vinegar chips, oranges, and anything Asian, especially pad thai.  Not sure they are the healthiest but I’ll take it.  Things that have been off limits, some vegetables, anything sweet, and eggs.

In other news, this past week we had our first scary moment that resulted in a trip to the ER.  After a great night out with friends to dinner, I found myself unable to void my bladder.  I tried multiple times over the course of 30 minutes, but the more time that passed, the more pain I felt.  I finally decided that a trip to the ER was in order.  Imagine having drank 4 large glasses of water at dinner and then being unable to go.  I think thus far in my life this was the worst pain I have ever felt.  The nurses at the Emergency Room took pity on me and rushed me back.  After putting a catheter in and relieving the pain, they let me know that I had severely over distended my bladder.  Afterwards the Dr. was kind enough to do an ultrasound and the babe was moving all around, looking happy…Alex thinks the babe was so happy that my bladder was no longer impeding on its home!  With the Dr. stumped, I went home with  a cath and directions to call my Dr. the next day.  So New Year’s Eve morn we spent our day at Abbott with my OB, who just happened to be on call.  Also stumped, my rules to follow upon being released were to drink less water and go more often.  Apparently with a big ol’ uterus atop your bladder, the bladder can only grow so big.  So my over distended bladder freaked and was unable to do its job due to the amount of fluid in there.  Let me just say, lesson learned.  Not only was this painful but it was comical as well.  In fact my mom chuckled, wondering what other odd things were going to go wrong.  Leave it to me. 

How am I changing?

I’m definitely noticing a little bit more bump these days which doesn’t surprise me at all given that I’m pretty short and my torso is bordering short as well.  I’ve worn my maternity jeans a couple of days and I’m in love.  I think every pair of pants should have an elastic waist!  I’ve also noticed I’m more cold than normal, maybe due to increased blood flow to the baby?  My nails are definitely stronger and growing longer and my hair, oh my, can I keep my hair after the baby comes?  I know I can’t, but it’s so soft and definitely a little fuller.  I love it! 

Little Tidbits:
Weight gain:  Holding steady at 2 pounds
Ornaments bought:  4
Baby gifts received:  A few of the gifts: some bibs, some ornaments, and a teddy bear.  Baby’s spoiled already!
Nursery Schemes dreamt:  2 and pretty certain they are to stay
Bags packed:  0 and vacation commences in T-2 days!

Past Updates: 

7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10/11 weeks

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ushering in 2012

It’s here.  January 1st, 2012.  And what a year it will be.  As 2011 came to a close yesterday, we found ourselves in our comfy clothes, noshing on homemade pizza and watching movies.  After I found myself pregnant, I also found out that though I have not been sick one bit, I find my eyes start closing around 9:30 pm.  So as you might guess, visions of a sparkly ball dropping were only in my dreams.

That being said, it was a splendid way to see 2011 to its end. With the man I love, in our house I still can’t believe we’re in, and a baby roving around in my belly.  2011 has been quite the year.  And I have all of you to thank for reading this mess of words on a page.  So thankful for all my friends, family, readers, and lurkers.  Hoping to update more in 2012.  We’ll see!

I’m not one for big resolutions or dreams of doing crazy new things when the year turns over, but this year I’m praying for the things I daily petition for…more and more grace, tighter reign on my tongue, a compassionate heart, a submissive spirit, self-control, and a joy doing life just as it comes, one day at a time. I’ve also been hoping to use my prayer cards a little more.

About 6 months ago, I made these.  They’ve been a real help.  Everyone has their own aids for prayer, but both Alex and I like these.  We each have a set so we can daily flip through them, or weekly, or whatever.  So maybe they will also be a help for you.  I printed these from a template I received from Jones Design Company and her monthly series.  I highly recommend her designs and templates…they are cute, inexpensive and great for those of us who don’t want to spend the time designing our own.  I obviously just cut out one for each day of the week and separated our prayer lists into days of the week.  Easy peasy.

Prayer to start the new year, don’t we all need that?  Wishing you all a very Happy New Year…here’s to 2012! I suddenly have the urge to clean…anyone else?  :)

Say how did you ring in the new year?