Friday, September 30, 2011

beautiful day

The fields heave with fruit abundant, for the harvest is ripe.  All around the threshing floor is full, sheaves fallen.  For He knows the time and hour, the day and season are in His hands.  We are satisfied, hearts full in quiet trust.

"Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” 
John 4:35

Crops are gathered, work hard and toilsome, but the reward sweet, like honey.  Silos overflow, not due to human hands but evidence of the Grower.  How quickly we forget, laboring day in and out, in vain.  With human hands, building up, mouths speaking from human hearts.  Rooted down deep, there lies within, the spirit of the living God.  Yahweh.  Jehovah.

In our midst He lives and moves and has His being.  Let us not grow weary or faint, for He, like an oxen great, dips down beneath, our yoke bearer.  Our arms are weak, burdened by pride, emptying to Him who on our behalf, makes us strong.  The harvest is ready, white and beautiful.  Who will sow,  who will reap?  Non the matter, for if we take open hands, calloused over, and offer to Him, He will bring in life abundant.

”This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Book Review: When the Hurt Runs Deep

All around us, day in and day out, people come and go and I’m certain so many are hurting.  This world, fallen and broken, does not reflect Eden, where hurt was swept away.  We live with hardship, pain, doubt, denial, and deep, deep hurt at the things our eyes have witnessed.  From famine and tsumani, suicide and cancer, to the day by day aching's, as we wait, wonder, and ponder.  Our hearts often question, “why me?”, “why now?”.

One of my favorite bible study authors Kay Arthur, faces these wonderings, ponderings and questions regarding hurt and pain that surround us in the world in her new book When The Hurt Runs Deep: Healing and Hope for Life’s Desperate Moments.  She offers a fresh, straight forward approach to helping us answer these questions in a way that not only glorifies the Lord but offers healing for the heart.  Divided into 18 chapters the  book begins with a glimpse at a few biblical lives as they faced trials and hurt that came their way.  She has not only seen and witnessed hard times but has walked this road personally, and it shows within the book.  Her wisdom is biblical, personal, and applicable.

The book walks through anger, suicide, the question of why, and suffering among others and throughout the book nuggets of wisdom abound to not only comfort the heart but to bring the readers mind to Christ.  She mentions in the beginning that the “soveriegnty of God…is the very key that unlocks and heals our hearts (25)” to which I firmly say Amen.  And she spends the rest of the book walking through hard issues to which she continues to go back and rest in the place of our Sovereign God.

As someone who has walked through hard things and had my eyes witness hurt and pain firsthand, like so many of you, this book was a great reminder of who I trust in, why I do, and how redeeming and good His love is.  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.  It’s a great resource and the appendix offers a great study guide for two or more.

Disclaimer: I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group as part of their book review program Blogging for Books.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Black Bean & Lime Quinoa

As the days of summer slowly retreat and tongues long for the fruit of autumn, I couldn’t resist sharing this ode to summer side dish.  Talk amongst friends peaked a curious mind to unearth the grain often forgotten in our house.  Quinoa.  A complete protein, with nutty wholesome taste, that takes on the flavors it is combined with.  For us, lime did the trick.

This simple side is so versatile and delicious; you can change up the ingredients to your taste.  Only thing, make sure you add a distinct flavoring for the quinoa to soak up.  Many like to make the quinoa in chicken broth, imparting that taste for a more savory side.  Whereas this dish is rich in lime.  We all know the greatness of lime and cilantro…chipotle rice anyone?  This is similar with just a few more ingredients.  Perfect for a  light lunch or dinner accompaniment.

I sought out fellow bloggers for a how-to on preparing quinoa…looking to these for inspiration:  Our Best Bites and Healthy Tipping Point.

As far as the recipe, the inspiration came from here:  Epicurious.  I followed the dressing exactly and changed up the ingredients more for my taste.  This batch included red pepper, jalapeno, fresh corn, red onion, tomato, black beans, cilantro, salt, pepper, and some garlic.

This is when cooking gets fun…use your imagination!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let Us Love One Another

“But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the
same care for one another.  If one member suffers, all suffer together;
if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”  
1 Corinthians 12:24b-25

Today I had the special opportunity to guest post over at Hoping in God.  My good friend Jackie, whom I met through our blogs, has been featuring a great series on how to love your infertile friend.  My post today shares that when we can see past the lines of infertile/fertile, young/old, married/single, and live as women of God all bound together in the sisterhood of Christ, we can bring Him glory and bring love to one another.  Check it out here!

This morning while reading through my reader I came across 2 great posts that were so good and applicable to us as women that I needed to share them.  Take a look, they are great encouragement!

When It’s Hard to Find Time for God in Prayer by Ann Voscamp

The Superpower Every Girl Has by Emily Freeman

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

She Gives Love

With grace and strength she carried me.  9 months whole, serving her family as the pangs of labor took over.    It was a day of celebration while life within beckoned for release.  She waited for me, rejoiced over me.  I am my mother’s daughter.

She has seen the world.  Days have been filled with love bursting forth intermixed with sorrows increasing.  She’s seen loss time and time again.  She’s witnessed the taking of the soul in her midst, praising her Savior amidst pain.  And she has given herself, empty, to those who took up residence in her womb.  Not only her own, but open arms have embraced so many; step-children, grandchildren, and friends alike.

She has worn strength and dignity daily as she stretches herself, putting her own needs behind.  Love comes openly and honestly.  She doesn’t even know how eyes are fixed upon her, watching, learning, participating alongside.  She taught me submission, by acting in ways that give Him glory.  Trusting in quiet and gentleness.  Without her, where would we be?

She is worthy of praise, especially today, on her birthday.

Happy birthday Mom!  We love you so very, very much.

”We do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in our prayers.”
Ephesians 1:16

Friday, September 2, 2011


With the chance of showers, the air is the same.  How we prayed and He answered, parting clouds, soaking up rain, unearthing the light of day. For such a time as this.

Alex and Andrea037

Sunshine floods in; eyes wide open with view familiar.  We’re toasting the day, sampling wine from the vineyard.  Thankful for the grower and the seeds He’s sown.

Alex and Andrea002
Love awakens with the peal of bells. “Here comes the bride…” It’s a day glorious, not by way of scenery or style, but with words spoken, covenant making words.

Today marks the day.  Words spoken softly; unrehearsed.  These words bind, holy covenant on our lips in unison with our Maker, our cord of three.  Words of love.

Celebrating years we don’t deserve, unmerited favor, and a love not ours, but a gift.  
That day, 5 years past, we never imagined the days set before us; 
heartache, loss, joy, and gladness.  And yet, we’re here. 
Stronger, solid, thankful and so in love. 
Still walking the road...

5 years.  4 cars.  3 homes.  2 babies.  1 God.
Today we're off enjoying the day right where it all started.

"You are our God, and we will give thanks to you; 
you are our God; we will extol you.  
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; 
for his steadfast love endures forever!"
Psalm 118:28-29