Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas!

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great…

that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11

Friday, December 23, 2011

And then came you

Late in January, Alexander John came into this world. Strong and fair, weighing in at a hefty 10 pounds. And He knew where he would go and what he would be. As he pounded nails and built cities in his dreams, He was creating in him a passion for His name. And when the day came and he fell on knees broken, He changed him. Old to new, sorrow to joy.  And he waited for her and for this. 32 years.

10 months later, in late November, Andrea Beth was born on her sister’s day. 8 lbs. 6 oz. And He knew where her feet would walk and how her heart would ache. As she rocked babies to sleep with visions of motherhood in her mind, He instead was creating in her a passion for His name. And when her eyes were opened to His glory and she surrendered all, He wrapped her in arms of love, saying He’d never let go. And her hurts were healed, sorrows swept away. And she waited for him and for this. 31 years.

And after years of waiting, He brought boy and girl together.  With a story all their own, and a love so strong, holy covenant made in early September, with laden branches of fruit setting the stage.  And they worshipped Him. Receive the glory, Lord. Joy filled their hearts. The start of life’s adventure.  Together. 5 years of humbling love.

And life continued and they waited, pattering feet on their minds. Vials of medications filling countertops, doctor visits.  Monthly tears, barren womb. Hearts steadfast on His promises. Knowing He was all they need. And they prayed and they asked, “O Lord, only your will…” They walked and their eyes saw the Lord magnified, holding them in sorrow, eyes weeping. Two babies at His feet. Three years they waited on Him.  For this.

And then came you. A sweet answer to prayer. Three years waited, you were given by Him. So unworthy; undeserved kindness from the Lord. You will see, oh we pray, how good and loving our God is. Baby, our hearts were distrusting at times, your life unknown. But He knew. Ours for today.  A blessed little gift, so undeserved.  To ask for days in this fallen, broken world seemed folly, but we so wanted you. To hold and love.  To show just how amazing He is.  How He keeps us and loves us. 

You are grace from Heaven. The Almighty giving. Answered prayer. 

Sweet baby ours, you’re on our minds…hearts and mouths petitioning for more and more grace, for more days we don’t deserve with you, for a lifetime of being mommy and daddy. We love you. And we’ll wait…6 more months until you are in our arms.

We are happy to announce that Baby Brogle is due July 8th, 2012!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Baby B–10 & 11 Weeks

Weeks 10 and 11 just flew by!  We moved into our house, began putting things back together, hosted a cookie exchange, and went to Wisconsin for an early Christmas and to celebrate our nephews and niece on their 8th birthday.  Talk about a busy 2 weeks.  It was so nice to be back with family…we had a wonderful time and then made it back in time for a Christmas party with friends.  I love the hustle and bustle of this season, fit with pauses to sit and enjoy the babe of Christmas, not ours but Jesus.

In these two weeks baby has been doing some active growing!  We had our first trimester screening right at 11 weeks 2 days and little Baby B grew so much from our ultrasound 2 weeks ago.  Everything looked great and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love seeing our little babe dancing around in there with a heartbeat strong as can be. 

How big is baby? 

Week 10 baby was as big as a kumquat or green olive and week 11 jumped to a fig or small lime.  I’d say that was quite the jump and the ultrasound proved it.  At 9 weeks we had a little teddy graham and at 11 there were long arms and legs moving around.  Watching babies grow in the womb is absolutely incredible.  God knits without mistake and His handiwork is amazing. 

How am I feeling? 

I’m still feeling great.  I still have not been nauseous nor have I gotten sick.  Mainly I’ve been plagued with non-stop sleepiness.  By the time it hits 3pm I’m about done for the day unless I push through in which I’m asleep or in bed by 9.  But that’s nothing to complain about!  I know I’m lucky to have felt this good so far and I’m not taking that for granted.  Hoping it continues.  Also during these past two weeks the bleeding has come to an end which has been great for my psyche.  Worrying less = happier mama.

How am I changing?

So far no major changes.  The bloating has gone down a bit so I can now button some of my normal pre-pregnancy jeans and pants.  Still feeling a little sore and mostly just tired. I think I am as tired as some are sick during pregnancy.  I will be tracking weight gain, not for any reason other than I think it’s interesting.  Other news at week 11, pelvic rest was lifted and I was given the go ahead to exercise again, starting out very slowly!  I’m very excited to keep moving and attempt to keep my muscles strong.

Little Tidbits:
Weight gained:  2 pounds
Maternity clothing purchased: Given 2 pairs of Maternity jeans for Xmas!
Days worked:  Slowing increasing.  Week 10: 2, Week 11: 4
Hours slept:  Stopped counting, now if only I could nap!
Vacations booked:  1…we’re headed to Florida in early January!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby B–9 Weeks

Whew…it’s been a whirlwind week.  So much so, I don’t have a picture of me…but I have one of the baby!  But that being said, week 9 ushered in change!  We moved into our house, all three of us, and so far we’re settling in quite nicely.  Week 9 was filled with packing and unpacking boxes, spending time with my mama who came to visit, and doing a little Christmas shopping.  All the chaos and company made the week fly by!  And through all of this, the SCH gave us a little scare, hence the follow-up ultrasound this week, which showed a very happy baby growing right on track.  Easing mama’s heart already!

How big is baby?

Baby B this week has grown to the size of an olive or grape!  The baby has been busy growing~spinal cord is evident, arm and leg buds form, and now our little one looks like a baby! Can hardly believe that in just 7 short months we’ll hopefully have a baby in our arms…we’re finding like most parents, the growth that’s taken place already pretty fascinating.  God’s doing an amazing work inside!

How am I feeling?
I’m feeling fantastic!  While my mom was here, I kept worrying at my lack of pregnancy symptoms but she gently reminded me that I was just following in her footsteps.  So far, no morning sickness or nausea, and other than being extremely tired, I’m feeling really good.  I’m still trying to take it easy and rest and am looking forward to the SCH going away so I can be active again.  I’m hoping it disappears with the first trimester!

How am I changing?
I can say that this week I’m still noticing a little bit of a belly.  We were looking back at my belly 2 weeks ago and laughing over how my abs may already be gone!  Hoping to get them back postpartum and if I’m anything like my sister, I’m thinking there is a very goo probability I will…let’s hope!  While mama was here we picked up a few pairs of maternity jeans from the Gap.  Hoping I don’t have to wear them too soon but I’ll never know!

Fun little facts:

Boxes unpacked:  Too many to count
Ultrasounds to date:  3
Trees decorated:  1
Heartbeat heard:  167 bpm